Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Application letter,

Dear Sir/Madam

Having heard that there is an excited vacancy for Sales Manager, I am interested to join at your established organization and a copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed.

I am currently working as a Sales Executive and completely have previous background at Sales Department in one of Asia chain resort.  With impeccable standards of hotel and villa experience, have an excellent eye for detail and the ability to bring out the best in your team.

Though it would be my third experience in the hospitality industry, the kind of work in which your consulate is engaged particularly interests me and I would welcome the opportunity to join your excellent company.

I shall be pleased to provide any further information you may need and hope I may be given the opportunity of an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

N.traditional sauce

Recipe 1. Sambal Paste20 pieces of red chili, seeded. 1 tablespoon shrimp paste grilled (fried). 2 pieces of lime (take the water). 1 large tomato fruit. salt. sugar.Method: mix and blend all ingredients.
Recipe 2. Sambal Paste5-6 red chilies. 5 red onions. 1 piece of shrimp paste. salt. a little sugar. lime.Method: Chop the chilies into 2-3 pieces. Peel onions, leave whole. Fry onions and peppers with a little oil until cooked. Fried shrimp paste. Crushed / puree all ingredients. Season a little lime water. Mix well.
Recipe 3. Sambal PasteMaterial:
2 pieces of red chilli4 pieces of red chili2 cloves garlic2 cloves shallots1 / 2 red tomatoessalt to taste1 teaspoon shrimp paste cooked2 pieces of lime leaves, thinly sliced
How to make1. Fry all ingredients 1 / 2 ripe except lime leaves and shrimp paste2. Blend all ingredients and serve
NotesServe with fried chicken, tempegoreng and vegetables.

M.traditional breakfest

Pecel is the typical food in Mojokerto East Java Indonesia made of vegetable stew of spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, basil, leaves turi, Krai (a type of cucumber) or other vegetables are served with sauce doused pecel. The concept is similar to pecel dish salad dishes from Europe. Both use fresh vegetables as main ingredients and uses toppings. The difference is, if a salad using mayonnaise as a topping, then use the sambal pecel pecel. The main ingredient of chilli pecel is peanuts and cayenne pepper mixed with other ingredients such as lime leaves, garlic, tamarind, pepper and salt. Pecel often served with peanut peanut brittle, peanut brittle plates of shrimp or rice. Also pecel also usually served with warm white rice plus chicken or jerohan. How can the presentation of the plate or in a folded leaf, called Pincuk. This dish is similar to the gado-gado, although there are differences in the materials used. Pecel spicy flavor that characterizes the sting of this cuisine.


Pepes is a way of processing food (usually for fish) with the help of banana leaves to wrap fish and its marinade. How to make herbs and spices are blended and added basil, tomatoes, and peppers dibalur / clad with gold fish that had been cleaned. All then wrapped in banana leaves and embeddable with 2 pieces of small bamboo at each end. The bundle is then burned (roasted) on the fire or embers from charcoal to dry.

Selasa, 21 September 2010

K.Traditional Crispy

. Banana chips are a crunchy snacks like potato chips. Much is made of bananas to be cooked first (plantains). Chips usually are made from less mature fruits with a frying slices in the oil-Intersection.
There are several types of banana chips:- Banana?: This is a banana cut into slices and then dried under the sun or using artificial devices.- Delicious banana chips: This is the banana slices in advance which have been dried for a short time (eg 5-6 hours) until the texture is somewhat elastic. It is difficult to determine how long it takes to drying because bananas have a water content different. Better to try with trial and error. Once dry, sliced bananas fried in hot oil until golden brown. Then squeezed to remove excess oil, and then given a variety of flavors.- Sweet banana chips: This is the banana slices that have been soaked or dipped in sugar syrup or honey.
The market for banana chips may be especially school children. Label, design, and promotional materials can be tailored to this target group.

J.traditional food

Know Tech is one of the typical food of Surabaya city.Tech Know consisted of half-baked tofu cut into small pieces with scissors, half-baked fries, bean sprouts, sliced cucumber diced long (like pickles) and crackers. All were then doused with a marinade made of paste, boiled water to taste (do not be too watery), peanuts, chilies and garlic. Used recommended Petis paste from Sidoarjo, because it feels more comfortable and original line of origin area (directly adjacent to the Sidoarjo Surabaya).
Tech Know Named because of scissors used for cutting food ingredients (tofu, potatoes, eggs) continue sounded like cut, although the food has been cut, so that such sounds .. tek tek tek ...
In some variations that exist in Jakarta, the seller Tofu Tofu Eggs Tech also provides, by frying him with an egg batter.